Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I've Moved!

Exciting news! I've moved my blog!

Check it out at LegosAndLegacy.com
And thanks for stopping by!

Monday, November 14, 2016

One Step at a Time

So I have a confession to make. I'm a HORRIBLE stay-at-home mom. Not so much in the sense that I lack the skills to take care of my house and kids, but in the sense that I'm not satisfied. The lack of adult conversation, the never-ending laundry cycle, and the mind-dulling monotony are all challenging for me. While I am CERTAIN that God wants me to spend some time at home taking care of Abie right now, I'm also pretty sure that I need an outlet for community and creativity. And since I love to write, blogging is a natural fit.

Honestly, the amount of laundry I deal with daily makes me wonder if there might be additional persons living here that
I haven't yet met.

I've been blogging off and on for 5 years now. Most of my entries have been ramblings about motherhood and stories of what my kids said or did. Recently, though, I've added in some reflections on Scripture, sharing some of what God is teaching me. And one thing God has really pounded into my brain lately is that He has created me with specific desires and gifts that are to be used for Him. So. I need to blog. I need to share my experiences, my challenges, and my "learnings" with others. Because that's one of the things God wants me to do right now.

As I've embarked on this new blogging journey, I've read countless articles and watched numerous video tutorials on how to launch a blog. Oh. My. Goodness. It's SO MUCH MORE complicated than I ever imagined. Like, buy a domain. Select a framework. Choose a child theme. Design your site. Activate plug-ins and edit your widgets. (WHAT THE HECK IS A WIDGET???!!!???).

Obviously, I'm in waaaaay over my head. So I ask 2 things of you:

#1. Read, smile, and support!
I hope you visit my new blog often, read what's there, and offer your positive feedback and support. I don't want to blog in a vacuum; I crave community!

#2. Be patient with me!
The site may not be super pretty or uber sophisticated. My links may not all work properly, and glitches may occur. I'm still learning - just taking it all one step at a time. (And if you happen to have expertise in the blogging world, feel free to HELP ME!)

So thanks for reading, following, and supporting me. I'll be back tomorrow to share the link for my new blog website! Be sure to check back then!!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Hungry, Thirsty, and Lost

For some reason, the Israelites’ 40 years of desert wandering has always fascinated me, so I read about it often. Take a look with me at Deuteronomy 8:2:

“Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.”

Ever wondered about this “testing your heart” business? God is all knowing, right? He already knew their hearts! So why the test?  It occurs to me that maybe it was the people who needed to see their own hearts. God already knew, but maybe they needed a reality check. Maybe God wanted to put their faith to the test to show them how hollow it was. Or maybe God allowed difficulties to come their way in order to expose their prideful self-reliance. There’s nothing like wandering in the desert hungry, thirsty, and lost to make you realize your limitations.

Take a look at the next verse:

“He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna to teach you that man does not live on bread alone, but on the word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” Dt 8:3

Boom. There it is! God purposefully put the Israelites in a place of need so he could bring some things to light. Because only when they were hungry, thirsty, and lost could they truly see: 

The emptiness of their faith
They knew the right words to say. They went through the right motions. But confessing trust with your mouth and living it with your life are two very different things.

Their spiritual bankruptcy.
Despite living a lifetime of devotion to God, they were still sinful and unable to faithfully follow him.

Their complete helplessness.
In the middle of the desert, they were totally helpless to feed or clothe themselves. There was absolutely nothing they could do to meet their own needs.

The limitless wealth of God.
Their hollow faith and selfish hearts had been exposed. Their need was obvious. And God’s provision was all that was left. Ironically, it was also all they needed.

The desert: a place of desolation and struggle. But that’s exactly where God wanted them. Because now they were humble and ready to depend on him. And God didn’t disappoint! Throughout every day of their desert wandering, God met their needs.

So what about me? What about you? Walking through a desert in your own life? Feeling lonely? Scrapping the bottom of the barrel financially? Lost and without direction? God sees you. And maybe you’re exactly where God wants you. Now its’ time to let go of your prideful self-reliance, confess your limitations, and trust God. Really trust him. He’s waiting to show you his love and faithfulness in a way you never saw coming.